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Factitious Disorders: Fantasies and Facts (Munchausen Syndrome and Munchausen by Proxy) - 5 CE
This online course reviews Baron Von Munchhausen, the man and the myth, along with the psychological phenomenon of the
Solid Organ Transplant: A Biopsychosocial Perspective - 3 CE Credit Hours /20-768815
This online course presents an overview of the transplant experience from a biopsychosocial perspective. Emphasis is placed on relevant research on positive coping and adjustment post-transplant.
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Privacy Policy We understand that your privacy is very important to you. That's why we've developed this policy to ensure that your privacy is protected while using our Service. About Health Forum Onl...
A Review of Pain Screening Instruments for Medical and Mental Health Providers: Coordination of
This online course provides a detailed review of assessment tools for the reliable identification of the patients’ pain experience and its impact on activities of daily living and psychosocial functio...