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Data Sets | The Center for Healthcare Value (CHV)
Databases Containing Claims for Payment To learn more about Medicare claims, Truven Health (IBM) MarketScan, Optum Insight, and All Payer Claims (APCDs)/Multipayer Claims (MPCDs) database: https://h...
Training Initiative | The Center for Healthcare Value (CHV)
Training Initiative "We're putting an emphasis not only on the critical importance of teaching healthcare value but also on bringing leaders in this area together to share ideas and align efforts." ...
Measuring Value | The Center for Healthcare Value (CHV)
Measuring Value "We are developing health care value and cost measurement tools used by front-line clinicians, financial analysts, and executive leaders to align clinical initiatives with UCSF's commi...
About Us | The Center for Healthcare Value (CHV)
About Us Situated within UCSF’s Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies, the CHV brings together expertise in clinical care, research methods, implementation sciences, health policy, health ...
Initiatives | The Center for Healthcare Value (CHV)
The Research and Policy initiative supports multi-center and multi-stakeholder projects that define high-value care and incentivize its adoption to demonstrate that value can be improved across the s...
Caring Wisely™ | The Center for Healthcare Value (CHV)
Caring Wisely™ "We are an incubator and catalyst for change that enables frontline clinicians to redesign healthcare systems and implement innovative care processes to improve quality and reduce cos...