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What We Do | CHGW
The Coalition is led by a Steering Committee of representatives from public health, health care, and social service and other non-profit organizations. Four subcommittees provide strategic and opera...
Available Resources | chgw
AVAILABLE RESOURCES Following is an evolving list of resources which align with the Coalition's mission and may inform and support your work. Underlined headings are links to organization websites. ...
About Us | CHGW
ABOUT THE COALITION The Massachusetts Department of Public Health created Community Health Network Areas (CHNAs) in May 1992. A CHNA is a local coalition of public, non-profit, and private sectors. ...
Priority Areas | chgw
Develop publicly accessible systems to track public health indicators and illustrate trends, and increase data driven decision making Adopt Municipal Racial Equity Policies Adopt community led...
Training Institute | CHGW
THE WORCESTER TRAUMA, RESILIENCY & RACIAL EQUITY INSTITUTE The Worcester Trauma, Resiliency & Racial Equity Institute is a project of the Coalition that began in 2019. Its goal is to connect and engag...
About the CHA and CHIP | chgw
ABOUT THE CHA AND CHIP Community Health Assessment (CHA) What does a healthy community look like to you? Some people picture a community where obesity rates are low, where vaccination rates are high...