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Healthy Materials Lab | Material Collections
Looking for a healthier material or building product? Specify healthier, sustainable, low-carbon choices starting with these examples.
Healthy Materials Lab | Low Embodied Carbon Materials
31% of global carbon emissions come from making things – which means that manufacturing materials and products contribute significantly to the changing climate. Until recently, most attention on carbo...
Healthy Materials Lab | Earth
Buildings made with earth-based materials—raw soil mixed with water, fibers, and additives—have been prevalent for thousands of years. Earth materials can be fabricated with and without fire. Unfired,...
Healthy Materials Lab | Materials Matter
Learn how materials impact human and planetary health throughout their lifecycle and the first steps to making healthier material choices.
Healthy Materials Lab | Materials and Human Health
This introductory course is designed to provide an understanding of the impact building materials can have on human health, demonstrating systematic intricacies that will challenge professionals to ke...
Healthy Materials Lab | Insulation
Insulation has been a much analyzed and observed material category in the green building movement. As we learn more about toxicity and hazards, how do we balance the demand for high performance with p...