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Puberty - Healthy Schools
Part of RSE, delivering age-appropriate content and skills to address this issue and support young people to to develop positive attitudes
The Healthy School Awards - Healthy Schools
To encourage schools to review initiatives in place and the work being carried out to improve the health and wellbeing of the school community
Whole School Approach - Healthy Schools
Teaching about mental health and emotional wellbeing as part of PSHE education is key to improving health, wellbeing and developing resilience
Hygiene - Healthy Schools
Support in delivering hygienic lifestyles, both physical and emotional for school children to make informed decisions about their health
Our Work - Healthy Schools
Healthy Schools Network and Support Service to help schools to build resilience among children for their health and wellbeing
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Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Healthy Lifestyle services provides free programme offers to support schools to embed physical activity and healthy eating into the daily lives of children and their fa...