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Theodore – Heaving Dead Cats
It’s a given that coming from being a hard-core atheist, I would have a lot to learn about the world’s seven great religions. It’s not to say that atheists don’t know about these things, but it’s unli...
About Heaving Dead Cats – Heaving Dead Cats
Dear Readers, For the past sixteen years I have taken you on a journey into my world as an atheistic. I have pointed out the hypocrisies, and the bull that often accompanies high powered preachers, a...
Acceptance and Awareness – Heaving Dead Cats
What I’ve come to realize is that acceptance won’t come until you are ready. No matter what it is, you literally cannot see it, hear it or even imagine it until you are ready. This is a lesson I perso...
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Unseen Influences – Heaving Dead Cats
Have you ever awakened in the morning feeling emotionally funky and you don’t know why? You didn’t party the night before and drink too much, you didn’t go to bed after an argument with your spouse, n...