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Home Page
HebrewWorks Software: SAFFA, a Talking Hebrew Reading Tutor and Language Reference Guide, is an educational software program for Windows designed as a resource for study of the Hebrew Language. It co...
NOTE #2: If you are running the program on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 operating system, read this: Vista does not come with WinHlp32.exe. which is needed to open the Help file. Users who want to ...
Reading Tutorial
READING TUTORIAL READING TUTORIAL is packed with sample words, illustrating use of the Hebrew letters in word context. Each word is SPOKEN CLEARLY TRANSLITERATION consonants and vowel s - and ex...
Word Search
WORD SEARCH SAFFA is able to successfully locate Hebrew words despite prefixes or suffixes that would make look-up difficult for the novice or intermediate student. SAFFA 1
Hebrew Grammar Forms List
HEBREW GRAMMAR FORMS LIST GRAMMAR TABLES* . You can locate a particular Hebrew word within the list by entering it in the Look-up Edit Window, then scrolling up or down - similar to how you would loo...
Infinitive Noun Declension Forms for EVERY