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Etusivu - Helsingin kaupunginmuseo
Helsingin kaupunginmuseo vie Helsingin menneisyyteen ja sen moniin tarinoihin. Kaupunginmuseoon on aina vapaa pääsy.
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Helsinki City Museum - Helsinki City Museum
The Helsinki City Museum opened its new museum in the market blocks on 13 May 2016. The museum is an […]
About the Museum - Helsinki City Museum
Helsinki City Museum takes you on a trip to Helsinki’s past and its many stories. Entrance to the city museum is always free of charge.
Collections and collection services - Helsinki City Museum
Helsinki City Museum records and studies Helsinki and life in Helsinki. The collections feature items ranging from plastic bags to […]
Book a guided tour - Helsinki City Museum
Welcome to a guided tour of the City Museum’s exhibitions! Use the form below to book a guided tour for […]