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Here's What Let's Do: Cactus Update
Happy summer, everybody! I came today to post a silly story I'd written, but my comment moderator was FULL of cactus questions! FULL, I say...
Here's What Let's Do: My Coral Cactus
Jimmy and the coral My paternal grandmother loves cacti. She's very ill now; she has Alzheimer's. She has forgotten my generation - or rat...
Here's What Let's Do: Why I'm not posting right now.
Hi, everybody. I've missed writing and reading your blogs lately, but I've been having some health problems again, and it's interfering with...
Here's What Let's Do: I'm a Hater
It's true! You know what it is that I hate? (Forwards and "Make me a list of _____" requests) Now, don't feel bad if you're one of the man...
Here's What Let's Do: I had to put my fish in time out
A few years ago, I got a fish tank (with all the accessories, of course!) for my birthday. I did some research, and decided to purchase Cich...
Here's What Let's Do: Wait. She did what?
There comes a time in the life of every young girl when you realize she probably needs to live inside a ball of bubble wrap. That realizati...