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Human Genome Variation Society
The Society aims to foster discovery and characterization of genomic variations including population distribution and phenotypic associations. Promote collection, documentation and free distribution o...
HGVS recommendations: AA examples
Legend: Reference sequence of imaginary gene used for the exaples given on this page. Nucleotide +1 in the coding DNA reference sequence is the A of the ATG translation initiation c...
HGVS recommendations: standards
: (colon) = separates the description of a reference sequence and the actual description of a variant e.g. M13855.3:c.1A>G c.[76A>C; 83G>C] two changes in one allele ...
HGVS recommendations: general, DNA level
Insertions are designated by "ins" after an indication of the nucleotides flanking the insertion site, followed by a description of the nucleotides inserted. Duplicating insertions should...
Nomenclature for the description of sequence variants: Quick
Quick reference - simple examples description of sequence changes Last modified August, 2015 NOTE: this website is frozen since May 1, 2016. It has been re...
HGVS recommendations: nomenclature for the description of sequence
Introduction Discussions regarding the uniform and unequivocal description of sequence variants in DNA and protein sequences (mutations, polymorphisms) were initiated by two papers publish...