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Education | Department Of History, Philosophy, And Religious Studies | Eastern Kentucky University
Education Yes, the world needs more good teachers and at EKU we produce so many great ones. It’s hard to find a county in the Bluegrass that doesn’t have at least one EKU alumnus in the classroom. Maj...
People | Department Of History, Philosophy, And Religious Studies | Eastern Kentucky University
Department: Dean - Letters, Arts & Soc Sciences Office: Roark 103A
Inside Look | Department Of History, Philosophy, And Religious Studies | Eastern Kentucky University
"Jacob Johnson has maintained a 4.0 GPA as a History major with a minor in Appalachian Studies and a certificate in Environmental Education. These intertwined academic pursuits are reflected in the st...
General Education Assessment Framework | Department Of History, Philosophy, And Religious Studies
Assessment Essays Faculty who teach General Education courses in History (HIS 100, 101, 102, 103, 204W, or 205) must assign an essay that requires students to analyze a primary source. The link to the...
Explore Our Programs | Department Of History, Philosophy, And Religious Studies | Eastern Kentucky
Undergraduate Degree Programs The Department of History at Eastern Kentucky University offers two programs leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree: Bachelor of Arts in History Bachelor of Arts in Histo...
History Teaching-B.A. | Department Of History, Philosophy, And Religious Studies | Eastern Kentucky
History Teaching-B.A. The link below will take you to the current University Catalog description for the B.A. in History Teaching program. For additional information, please contact the Interim Depart...