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HistPhil Editors’ Note: Jared Berkowitz reviews Kyle Edward Williams’ Taming the Octopus: The Long Battle for the Soul of the Corporation (Norton, 2024). Few issues unify Americans like the problem of...
About HistPhil | HistPhil
Founded in 2015, HistPhil is a web publication on the history of the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors, with a particular emphasis on how history can shed light on contemporary philanthropic issues ...
2021 | HistPhil
20 posts published by HistPhil in the year 2021
Seeing Like a Philanthropist: An organizational sociology of philanthropic history | HistPhil
Editors' Note: Aaron Horvath and Walter Powell introduce their chapter in the third edition of the Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook (Stanford University Press, 2020), edited by Powell and Patrici...
Behind the Scenes of WHITE PHILANTHROPY | HistPhil
Editors' Note: HistPhil co-editor Maribel Morey introduces her new book, White Philanthropy: Carnegie Corporation's An American Dilemma and the Making of a White World Order (2021), and underscores th...
Revisiting “Civil Society and the Collapse of the Weimar Republic” | HistPhil
Editors' Note: Sheri Berman continues HistPhil's forum on "Uncivil Civil Society," revisiting her seminal article, "Civil Society and the Collapse of the Weimar Republic" in World Politics. In 1997 I ...