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HiyonoTV Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Hiyono
Spoiler Alert – If you haven’t seen the show yet, you might not want to read further. Going back to last week, it made a reference to the movie Avengers: Age of Ultron that had just been released the ...
HiyonoTV Archives - Hiyono
Hiyono GOT: Game of Thrones Offers an Insight of the Royal Bushes If you said “Winter is coming” to 100 random people and recorded their expressions, there would be a wide difference in the expression...
HiyonoSo You Think You Can Dance 2 - Hiyono
Now for a twenty something take on So You Think You Can Dance by my daughter. If you can’t tell, we like the show. So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD) is one of my favorite shows. It is the only place...
HiyonoMan of Steel - Hiyono
Man of Steel is a movie made in 2013 and is about guess who? No, it is not about a robot. It is about Superman. Yeah, I know, pretty obvious. Don’t know how it was rated or received. I don’t remember ...
HiyonoGeneral Archives - Hiyono
Hiyono Introduction Film criticism is an essential aspect of the movie industry, providing audiences with valuable insights, analyses, and recommendations. Among the numerous influential film critics,...
HiyonoWelcome to my new blog! - Hiyono
Hey, I am excited. This is the first post in the new Hiyono website. Look for more content tomorrow!