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Popular pages
History of Hokonui Rūnanga • Hokonui Rūnanga
Charlton Road Hokonui Rūnanga purchased the site at Charlton Road in 1999. The location is significant as it nestles among the trails and landmarks formed by our ancestors. Prominent personalities are...
About Us • Hokonui Rūnanga
Te oranga o te tangata he whenua Tihei mauriora Ko Mata-mata te mokai o Te Rakitauneke Ko Hokonui te Runanga tiaki, ki nga uri o te whakapapa o Ngai Tahu – e noho nei Tena kotou tena kotou tena ko...
Who we are • Hokonui Rūnanga
Who we are We wouldn’t be the organisation we are today without the dedication and hard work of the people working for you behind the scenes. Executives Hokonui Rūnanga exists as an Incorporated Socie...
Vaccinations • Hokonui Rūnanga
How COVID-19 vaccines were developed quickly and safely Creating the COVID-19 vaccines took a global effort, but the world united to take on the challenge. And we did not start from scratch — research...
Where are we? • Hokonui Rūnanga
Shaded areas indicate areas of shared interest with other rūnanga. To find us at Charlton Road, Gore - see our Contact page for a Google Map. In this section
Register • Hokonui Rūnanga
Ngati Mamoe Tupuna: Tu Te Makoku Membership may be open to spouses of persons who eligible for automatic membership within the above clause. (Clause 5. Hokonui Rūnanga Incorporated Rules) Membership m...