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ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying
Hollowworld is a Dedicated Medieval / Fantasy Themed Minecraft Server
Lobby | Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying
New Player Guides Find out what you need to know as a new player! There are extra guidelines here you can read up on after becoming Whitelisted, such as the Starter Guide. This will walk you throug...
What's new | Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying
Greetings Explorer, Navigate into the Lobby! Register a free account today to become a member! Once signed in, you'll be able to participate on this site by adding your own topics and posts, as well ...
Official Hollowworld Texture Pack | Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying
How to use the Texture pack There are two ways to enable the texture pack. 1. Go to Options -> Video Settings... -> "Server Textures" to "ON" in the...
[Official Lore Changelog] | Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying
A record of all official changes in the lore as of the December 2022. The 'Lore' is regarded as any element of the server's narrative setting, as well as...
The Hollow Crafting Guide | Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying
HollowCrafting is a plugin designed by Lannis from the ground up that vastly improves the way people play characters with skills and professions that...