Lazaros Gallos homepage
Personal homepage of Lazaros Gallos
Lazaros Gallos homepage
Spreading patterns of COVID-19
RAPID:NSF-BSF: Analysis of the spreading patterns and the efficiency of quarantine measures for COVID-19, based on available world-wide spatio-temporal data
This projec...
Drew Sills' home page
Fall 2003 (Rutgers)
The content of personal and other unofficial home pages is not
by Georgia Southern University and does not represent official information or
opinions of the University...
Drew's Math Dept
Entered Trinity College (Cambridge University) as a student in 1896;
Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge University, 1900-1919; Elected F.R.S.,
1910.; Savilian Professor of Geometry, Oxford Universit...
Lazaros Gallos homepage
T. McMahon, S. Havlin, L.K. Gallos,
"Effect of cities and distance on COVID-19 spreading in the United States",
Physical Review E 107, 034302 (2023).
Networks - socio
T. McMahon, A. Chan, S....