Online Courses - HomeTeamNH
We recognize the importance of easy access to home buying and home owning resources, tools, and education for those who are navigating the process. To provide greater access to people, we offer home b...
Resources - HomeTeamNH
The HOMEteam mission is centered around providing access to education and resources that guide current homeowners, future homebuyers, and renters through the housing market and mortgage process. We of...
Seminars - HomeTeamNH
We offer seminars for home buyers and homeowners alike and explore a wide variety of topics for everyone. Whether you are looking for education on financial capabilities, home buying 101, selling your...
About HOMEteam - HomeTeamNH
Education - HomeTeamNH
Education is the fore of HOMEteam’s mission, and we bring education to our clients in a variety of ways. We understand that everyone is at a different stage o...
Our Team - HomeTeamNH
Our efforts are made possible by the hardworking experts who make up the HOMEteam staff. We have a combined wealth of knowledge and experience in the housing, finance, business, real estate, and commu...