Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
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HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Applying for Funding | Oxford Hospitals Charity
Applying for funding is quick and easy to do. Please read all information on this page carefully.
About us | Oxford Hospitals Charity
Oxford Hospitals Charity helps to transform care - funding the best medical equipment, research, training and facilities for our patients and staff.
A guide to applying for funding | Oxford Hospitals Charity
This area is for members of staff at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to help you apply for funding from Oxford Hospitals Charity.
How to apply for funding | Oxford Hospitals Charity
An area for OUH staff to find out more about funding from Oxford Hospitals Charity.
Funding up to £50,000 | Oxford Hospitals Charity
If you wish to apply for funding for a piece of equipment or project that is over £3,000, but under £50,000 please get in touch. We can quickly tell you if your bid fits our charitable aims, and guide...
Our impact | Oxford Hospitals Charity
We're making a difference every single day for patients and staff across our hospitals.