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Home | HiOCFD4
The International Workshop on High Order CFD Methods aims at providing an open and impartial forum for evaluating the status of high-order methods (order of accuracy > 2) in solving a wide range of f...
News | HiOCFD4
Submitted by Koen on Wed, 04/13/2016 - 17:52 The deadline for submission of computation data has been extended to May 13th, whereas workshop registration will be possible until May 20th by sending...
Guidelines | HiOCFD4
Measuring computational cost The cost of the computation should be expressed in work units. TauBench should be run at least three times in sequential mode to obtain an average wall clock time T1. Then...
preliminary programme is available | HiOCFD4
Bâtiment Eole, 1er étage, Rue des Frères Wright, 29 6041 Gosselies, Belgium, cenaero [dotcenaero] be (Subject: HOW4%20project%20enquiry) (E-mail.) 2023 ...
Presentations | HiOCFD4
Onera - Marta de la Llave Plata McGill University - Farshad Navah University of Berkeley - Per-Olof Persson Imperial College - Peter Vincent Baseline test cases BI2 - Smooth bump, BL1 Laminar airfoi...
C1 - DLR F11 | HiOCFD4
Summary: The DLR F-11 high lift configuration was part of the 2nd phase of the AIAA High Lift Prediction Workshop and was extensively investigated with 2nd-order state-of-the-art codes (http://hilift...