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UK Health Professionals with Hearing Loss – Deaf and hard of hearing people working and training in
FAQ for discussion group Not sure how to join the group or manage your membership options? Click here for the FAQ. Categories
- Welcome – UK Health Professionals with Hearing Loss
Stethoscopes – UK Health Professionals with Hearing Loss
Hi Chelsea. There are a few things to take into account to work out the best set-up for you. There are various possibilities. It’s much easier to advise when I know about your hearing and aids. Otherw...
About Us – UK Health Professionals with Hearing Loss
Frances Keane says: Thank you for setting up this site: as others have said, finding relevant information on things like frequencies of clinical sounds and types of stethoscopes has been difficu...
Group Info Page
English (USA) The UK Health Professionals with Hearing Loss email group is a discussion, information and support network for health professionals with hearing loss. We welcome anyone w...
- Second assessment – UK Health Professionals with Hearing Loss