Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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HR Online Manager verwendet ein modernes Stellenanalyseverfahren, das es jedem unserer Kunden ermöglicht Stellen unfassbar schnell und zuverlässig zu definieren und zu vergleichen.Dabei kann auf hunde...
simple - fast - valid HR Online Manager uses a modern job analysis methodology that enables each of our clients to define and compare jobs incredibly quickly and reliably. Hundreds of job profiles i...
Tool 1 Job Description Online
More quality More clarity Undifferentiated task descriptions are a thing of the past. Use our clear and comprehensible requirement descriptions for each of your job descriptions. Less coordination ef...
Tool 4 Competency Online
Clarify Competencies faster With Competency Online, you can quickly and precisely determine the relevant competencies for each job or job-family. And you can use a combined process of „job description...
Tool 3 Grouping Online / Career Builder
Better negotiation basis Grading online (Eingruppierung Online) shows you the various requirements of the job precisely and offers you the access to a grouping benchmark. This enables you to optimize ...
Create Job Description online
Create Job Description online Moderne Unternehmen bieten Ihren Mitarbeitern Anforderungs- und Karriereklarheit. Diese beginnt bei den Stellenprofilen oder auch Stellenbeschreibungen. Doch leider tra...