Home - HSHSL
The Health Sciences and Human Services Library is a dynamic institution providing access to digital and print information, and fostering the life-long learning skills essential for health and human se...
Borrow & Renew Books - HSHSL
Unless someone is an official designated borrower for you, only you can use your library card to check out library materials. If you are UMB faculty, you may give permission to someone else to check...
Google Scholar - HSHSL
What is Google Scholar?
Scholar is Google's effort to index scholarly literature. You can search across many disciplines and sources: peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles, from ...
History of the HS/HSL - HSHSL
History of the HS/HSL
The proud traditions of the Health Sciences & Human Services Library originated in 1813. Until that date, the medical school had not had a library, from the time of its founding ...
Request Articles and Books - HSHSL
Request Articles and Books
The service is available to UMB faculty, staff, and students. Books and articles are obtained for the use of the requester. Only requests for materials relevant t...
Off-Campus Access - HSHSL
Off-Campus Access
Off-Campus Access
HS/HSL e-resources (databases, journals and books) are available to UMB faculty, staff and students. To access e-resources from off campus, a UMID and password are...