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Membership - International Association of Tax Judges(IATJ)
MEMBERSHIP Please reserve the date now. Registration form and accommodation information to follow. Come join Us! Membership As defined by Article 2 of...
Executive Committee and Board Meetings - International Association of Tax Judges(IATJ)
The IATJ Board meets periodically during the year, usually by teleconference, in addition to the congresses held annually. Below are summaries of the IATJ's meetings.
Assemblies - International Association of Tax Judges(IATJ)
ASSEMBLIES Please reserve the date now. Registration form and accommodation information to follow. Come join Us! Assemblies As the stated aim of the I...
Webinars - International Association of Tax Judges(IATJ)
WEBINARS Please reserve the date now. Registration form and accommodation information to follow. Come join Us! Recent Tr...
IATJ Published Commentaries - International Association of Tax Judges(IATJ)
Please reserve the date now. Registration form and accommodation information to follow. Come join Us!
Statutes - International Association of Tax Judges(IATJ)
STATUTES Please reserve the date now. Registration form and accommodation information to follow. Come join Us! NAME Article 1 – The subscribers to the...