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About Ring 50 – I.B.M. Ring 50: The National Capital Ring
International Brotherhood of Magicians Ring 50: The National Capital Ring Ring 50 is the world’s largest local chapter (“Ring”) of the International Brotherhood of Magicians (I.B.M.), the world’s larg...
Meetings – I.B.M. Ring 50: The National Capital Ring
Ring 50 usually meets at 7:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of every month at The Lyceum (Alexandria’s History Museum), 201 S. Washington St., Alexandria, VA, just outside Washington, DC. 6 to 7 p.m.:C...
Membership – I.B.M. Ring 50: The National Capital Ring
International Brotherhood of Magicians Ring 50: The National Capital Ring The International Brotherhood of Magicians, founded in 1922, is the world’s largest and most prestigious organization for prof...
Ring 50 News – I.B.M. Ring 50: The National Capital Ring
September 6, 2023 Join Ring 50 as we celebrate 75 years of magic and community. Just $75 includes a five-course gourmet meal, secure parking, anniversary greetings from magicians around the world, a ...
Honor Thy Mentor at Jan. 3 Meeting – I.B.M. Ring 50: The National Capital Ring
December 10, 2023 | Many magicians have learned from a mentor. Some have several. Some mentors offered one-on-one personal instruction and assistance. Some mentors were virtual or recorded. Rin...
Capital Conjurors – I.B.M. Ring 50: The National Capital Ring
Ring 50 is proud to host the Capital Conjurors, a special program for youth ages 8 to 15. The program was created to encourage and teach youth about the field of magic. The Capital Conjurors meet at...