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Digital Marketing - ICUK Media
Digital Marketing ICUK offers clients access to a GDPR-compliant database of just over 23,000 private investors and traders. These delegates and enquiries have given consent to receive information...
About - ICUK Media
About Investor Conferences (UK) Ltd The launch event, the London Investor Show, runs each year in October and attracts an audience of around 2000/2500 high net worth investors. Subsequent...
Speak - ICUK Media
Speak Hosting a seminar at an event provides terrific exposure for your speaker - with their details carried on the event website, and reproduced within the hard copy Event Guide distributed ...
Exhibit - ICUK Media
Exhibit What better way to meet new clients, face-to-face, than through exhibiting? “Just a short note to thank you and your team for putting on an excellent event last week. I was deli...
Meet the Team - ICUK Media
Meet the Team MANAGING DIRECTOR Lisa Campbell founded Investor Conferences (UK) Ltd, and launched the first London Investor Show, in July 2010. She has a well-established and success...
Contact - ICUK Media
Contact We look forward to hearing from you. By post: Investor Conferences (UK) Ltd 3/2 Guardianswood Ellersly Road EDINBURGH EH12 6PG Investor Conferences (UK) Ltd is registered in Scotland, Company ...