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What we do - IEPAIEPA
With its origins in early intervention in psychosis, IEPA aims to enhance awareness of the early phases of mental health disorders more generally, their causes, prevention and the process of recover...
What is early intervention in mental health - IEPAIEPA
Early intervention (EI) in mental health is a simple concept drawing on a small number of principles: the prompt engagement, assessment and delivery of effective bio-psycho-social interventions to p...
Membership - IEPAIEPA
The IEPA Early Intervention in Mental Health has its origins in the paradigm shift in psychosis services that began in the 1990s, and now extends the early intervention approach to all areas of mental...
Resources - IEPAIEPA
Resources Find a resource With its origins in early intervention in psychosis, IEPA aims to enhance awareness of the early phases of mental health disorders more generally, their causes, prevention an...
iphYs is a group of clinicians, service users, family members and researchers from more than eleven countries who joined forces to develop an international consensus statement in 2013 on improving the...
IEPA 2021 Virtual - Registrations Open - IEPAIEPA
This conference will bring together the world’s leading experts in early intervention in mental health and research, acting as a forum for ideas to be exchanged, experiences shared, knowledge develope...