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Training Courses - IGI
Training Courses IGI offers a range of training courses in petroleum geochemistry and basin petroleum systems modelling, as well as field-based courses and training for our software. To meet the inc...
p:IGI+ - IGI
p:IGI+ IGI's next generation program for Integrated Geochemical Interpretation p:IGI+ is IGI's replacement for p:IGI-3. Not just a progressive update from p:IGI-3, but a complete software rewrite from...
p:IGI-3 - IGI
p:IGI-3 p:IGI-3 - IGI's proven geochemical data interpretation tool p:IGI-3 is the operational release of our geochemical software, designed and engineered in-house for optimal data organisation and i...
Data and Reports - IGI
Data and Reports Data and Interpretation Reports IGI has over 30 years experience in compiling and interpreting large geochemical datasets for the petroleum industry. We are continuously working to ex...
Basin & Petroleum Systems modelling - IGI
Basin & Petroleum Systems modelling Basin & Petroleum Systems modelling IGI are recognised as one of the industry-leading experts in Basin and Petroleum Systems Modelling (BPSM), with over 30 years’ e...
Technical Notes - IGI
Technical Notes Technical Notes Approximately every 6 to 8 weeks IGI will publish a concise “Technical Note” here on our website, which we hope will be of interest to our clients, or indeed anyone int...