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Current Issue - IJSMS
Current Issue, Science and Management Studies, Recent Research papers in engineering, IJSMS
Volume-5 Issue-1 No-1 - IJSMS
Volume-5 Issue-1 No-1, Science and Management Studies, Recent Research papers in engineering, IJSMS
Volume-4 Issue-1 - IJSMS
Volume-4 Issue-1, Science and Management Studies, Recent Research papers in engineering, IJSMS
IJSMS - Submission
Submit Your Paper in top indexed journal, International Journal of Science and Management Studies, IJSMS
IJSMS - About us
International Journal for Science and Management Studies, Engineering Research and Technology, Engineering Science and Application, Fast and Easy Publication journal, Peer Review journal, Open Access...
IJSMS - Preparation Guidelines for Authors
Submissions by anyone other than one of the authors will not be accepted. The submitting author takes responsibility for the paper during submission and peer review.