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Ilyka Damen: Mommy Bloggers and the Hating of Them
UPDATE, 08/12/2006 : I had a big ol' defensive disclaimer here that I've killed now. I'd like to retain the part where I said I'd learned ...
Ilyka Damen: Help Us Help Ourselves: Chicken Thighs with Lemon and Garlic
Lauren has this project* that I'll let her describe : HUHO (since I am too uncreative to think up a better name): This compilation of how-to...
Ilyka Damen: Pray for Me, My Brothers and Sisters
This can't end well. I don't know why I keep thinking I can do things like this, I really don't. I am a brunette. I am a brunette with Cau...
Ilyka Damen: Curse You, Internet!
Working mandatory overtime sure is fun! I love the way it doesn't leave me any time to write or think. But I must throw out some links real...
Ilyka Damen: By Me Is So Big the Mouth, So My Foot Always Goes In
Sometimes you gotta get burned to learn. I made the mistake of offering condolences to Hugo Schwyzer upon learning that someone had called h...
Ilyka Damen: I Also Don't Give Lectures on Particle Physics, If You Were Wondering
I've known people, dead and alive, with alcoholism. The dead ones are dead because they believed what all the nonalcoholic drinking people i...