Stephen L. Thaler, Ph.D.,
Brightest Technical Moments:
Diamonds - While employed as a materials scientist for aerospace giant McDonnell Douglas in 1986, Thaler invented the fastest diamond deposition...
IEI History
Summer, 1976. Early Experimentation. While studying theoretical solid state physics in graduate school, Thaler begins experimentation with lattice models of both ferromagnetic and ferroele...
Imagination Engines
Machine Generated Art
In 1995, IEI began experimenting with text-to-image, as well as image-to-image transformations using multilayer perceptrons and deep nets. Although these efforts were highly prop...
Scientific Mission
IEI's Scientific Mission
We intend to continually devise highly advanced artificial neural systems that manifest all aspects of human cognition, creativity, consciousness, and sentience, while at the ...
Imagination Engines, ushering in the dawn of conscious computing!
Summary - Brains do not consist of a single neural network. Instead, they are composed of many neural networks that share the load in carrying out various cognitive tasks. Heretofore, neural...