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Dr Lukasz Salwinski, DIP Licence IntAct is an open source, open data resource, available to anyone. Usage of IntAct material is covered by two licenses: The terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4...
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Expertly curated from direct submissions, peer-reviewed journals or pre-prints to a consistent high standard. Provided by a network of participating major public domain databases. Use as input: U...
News < IMEx
3rd June 2024: 1.5 million interactions available curated to the IMEx Consortium standards As of 3rd June 2024, more than 1.5 million molecular interactions are available for search and download from ...
Curation < IMEx
Curation Rules The curation rules are explained in full in the Curation Manual. Individual databases may locally impose additional rules, but these will be additional to and not break the agreed IMEx...
Submit Your Data < IMEx
Submit Your Data The IMEx consortium actively encourages the deposition of data, prior to publication, and will supply unique accession numbers which may be referenced within the final article. A data...