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Income Movement | About
We believe that the economy is broken. Currently, many of the people who work hardest and are the backbones of a strong economy are those who are most vulnerable to financial hardship and insecurity. ...
This 60-minute documentary introduces the increasingly popular grassroots policy, Universal Basic Income (UBI), as a vehicle to transform the American economy into one that is thriving, sustainable, a...
Income Movement | Our Work
Governments are powerful forces for change. It's up to citizens to elect and empower innovative lawmakers.
Pilot Community Engagement Program A hub of resources and tools for basic income pilot organizations and leaders to use in building successful pilots that maximize opportunities for deep community eng...
Phase 4: Distribution This phase spans the full duration of the distribution of cash for your pilot. During this phase, which includes the collection of both quantitative and quantitative data, you be...
Phase 2: Design The Design phase is where all of your research comes together to inform key decisions for each part of your pilot. It is important to note that often significant iteration occurs betwe...