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Non-Vegetarian Menu | INDO Indonesian Restaurant
Appetizers Sate Ayam - Chicken Sate Chicken breast, marinated with spices, grilled and served with home made peanut
Vegetarian Menu | INDO Indonesian Restaurant
Vegetarian Appetizers Sate Ayam - Chicken Sate $9 Chicken breast, marinated with spices, grilled and served with home
Menu | INDO Indonesian Restaurant
Menu [sh_menu4][sh_menu_title4 title=”DRINKS”][/sh_menu_title4][sh_menu_body_content4 subtitle=”COFFEE” price=””]Coffee served with whip cream, and chocolate syrup upon request[/sh_menu_body_conte...
Drinks | INDO Indonesian Restaurant
Beer Bell’s amber $3.5 Full bodied amber ale, The beer that build Bell’s Brewery! Dragonmead fin
About | INDO Indonesian Restaurant
[sh_menu] [sh_menu_title title=”CHEF”] [/sh_menu_title] [sh_menu_body_content subtitle=”” price=””]Our Chef is ethnic Javanese, born and raised in Central Java, Indonesia. She has been a Chef for 16 y...
Indo in media | | INDO Indonesian Restaurant
Metro Times Article: Fox News Cooking School: http://www