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Infidelity Help Group
Martyr to the Marriage Post-Affair Commitment Being committed to a healthy, respectful, and fulfilling marriage is an admirable trait, but what happens after an affair hits the relationship? Committed...
Infidelity Help Chat and Discussion Forum
Our experience with infidelity enables us to support people from all aspects of infidelity. Our Infidelity Help Chat Room and Discussion Forum are open 24/7
Infidelity Help Group ~ Rethink Affairs
Our affair survival thinking kit: posts to help you cope with an affair and explore your thinking.
Infidelity & Affair Help Chat Room - Infidelity Help Group
Our secular Infidelity & Affair Help Chat Room is populated by people with extensive experience with affair help & infidelity issues. Available 24/7
Affair Help: Support for Coping with an Affair- Infidelity Help Group
Our secular chat room & forum provide support that is not positioned as pro divorce, marriage, or reconciliation but pro personal affair recovery.
Infidelity Help Group ~ Reconciliation
Reconciling after an affair: Avoid reconciliation that builds-in failure and disappointment and instead take a cheater-driven reconciliation approach.