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InfraMed Imaging Centre
Over 192,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the US and 1.2 million worldwide (Source: American Cancer Society and WHO). Breast cancer is the top ...
InfraMed Imaging Centre
Any findings must be clinically correlated by the examining doctor. Just as unique as a fingerprint, each patient has a particular infrared map of their breasts. The ...
InfraMed Imaging Centre
MRI is a non invasive test that is a supplemental tool for detecting and staging breast cancer and other breast abnormalities. It allows doctors to better evaluate breast...
InfraMed Imaging Centre
· If you are nursing, please try to nurse as far from 1 hour prior to the screening as possible. · Do not expose to outside environmental extremes, such as very cold...
InfraMed Imaging Centre
All medical screening tests, including thermography and mammography, are just screening tests. Any positive screening test requires further evaluatio...
InfraMed Imaging Centre
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