Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Homepagina Inschrijven In Brussel | Inschrijven In Brussel
Homepagina Inschrijven In Brussel
Homepage Inschrijven in Brussel | Inschrijven In Brussel
You want to register your child in a Dutch-speaking nursery, primary of secondary school in Brussels?
Prepare your application | Inschrijven In Brussel
How do you prepare your application?
How do you apply for a place? | Inschrijven In Brussel
How do you apply for a place for your child online? How does the registration procedure for Dutch-speaking schools in Brussels work?
Apply for a place | Inschrijven In Brussel
How do you apply for a place for your child online and how do you register it afterwards?
What do you need? | Inschrijven In Brussel
What documents and information do you need to apply for a place and register your child in a Dutch-language school in Brussels?