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IML - Insulin my Lifed (Project)
SO FAR ACHIEVEMENTS: Baqai Institute of Diabetology and Endocrinology (BIDE) in collaboration with Health Promotion Foundation (HPF) was the first to give the concept of multidisciplinary care team an...
IML - Achievements
ACHIEVEMENTS Consultation The aim of this project is to initiate a program for children with Type 1 diabetes who do not have access to insulin. Follow us:
IML - Contact
CONTACT Your name SEND MESSAGE SUBSCRIBE The aim of this project is to initiate a program for children with Type 1 diabetes who do not have access to insuli...
IML - Collaborators
COLLABORATORS LIFE FOR A CHILD Collaborator DIRECT RELIEF Collaborator HEALTH PROMOTION FOUNDATION Collaborator The aim of this project i...
IML - Team
TEAM Prof. M. Yakoob Ahmedani Project Director Prof. Asher Fawwad Project Manager Iqbal Hussain Assistant Manager Ms. Raheela Naseem ...