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Integrated Movement Ideas - Integrated Movement Ideas
Lying on her back, the dancer takes a straight leg up into the air. One can notice how far or near her leg is from her body. The dancer brings her leg down and rolls to her side, resting on her arms.....
Ideokinesis and Movement Imagery - Integrated Movement Ideas
Ideokinesis involves the study of the relationship between the mind that governs the ‘ideas’ of movement and the body’s movement response to those ideas. The main aim of analyzing thought...
Body-Mind Centering exercises - Integrated Movement Ideas
Body-Mind Centering: Exploring transitional fluid in whole-body movement 1. Standing or in any position, quietly be in stillness. Allow the fluids to flow into the cells, filling and...
Somatics in Dance - Integrated Movement Ideas
Somatics is a fluid movement science, and it is in a constant state of growth. It is frequently assimilated in the dance field and used as a tool or improvisation. The principles of somatics...
Somatics & Dance Education - Integrated Movement Ideas
Somatic practices have been integrated as part of contemporary dance curriculum, and its elements are often included in technique, improvisation, composition and performance classes. Classes...
Somatic education & Dance - Integrated Movement Ideas
The dance curriculum seeks to include guided exploratory practices where sensory awareness of the anatomical relationship is designed to improve coordination. These embodied approaches added a whole.....