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City of Chicago Online Permits
Login to Your Account To login, please provide the email and password that was used to verify your account. If you do not remember your username or password please click her...
City of Chicago: Online Permits
INFORMATION ON TERMS OF USE Permit fees are provided on this site as a public resource for general information purposes only. It is NOT to be construed or used as the actual figure a p...
City of Chicago: DCAP Create New Account
Security Answer * Required information If you are experiencing technical issues, you will find resolution to most issues in our FAQ document here. Processing - please ...
City of Chicago Vacant Buildings
Welcome In order to address the negative impact of improperly maintained vacant buildings on its neighborhoods, the City of Chicago has adopted registration and maintenance requirement...
City of Chicago Vacant Buildings
There are currently no items in your Vacant Buildings List. Instructions Below is a list of vacant buildings that you own/manage in the City of Chicago. By default, properties in y...
City of Chicago Vacant Buildings
Call 311 or click here to report a vacant or troubled building. Check this website regularly for information about vacant buildings with code violations. Attend a hearing. Contact your block club or c...