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HTTP has not yet implemented SSL encryption.
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International Quality Certification
About Us We “International Quality Certification” is an assessment and certification body offering quality certification services to different organizations. The certifications include solutions to......
International Quality Certification
SA 8000 Certification SA 8000 is an international certification standard that encourages organization to develop, maintain and apply socially acceptable practices in the office. It was created in 1989...
International Quality Certification
About Us We “International Quality Management” is an assessment and certification body offering quality certification services to different organizations. The certific...
International Quality Certification
ISO 17025 Certification ISO/IEC 17025 was first issued in 1999 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electro technical Commission (IEC). It is the single mo...
International Quality Certification
ISO HACCP Certification Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, or HACCP, is a systematic, science-based approach for the identification, evaluation and control of food safety hazards. Built on t...
International Quality Certification
TQM Certification Total quality management programs facilitate quality management or quality control, compliance management, risk assessment, document control and any other component of total quality...