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Singing Bowl Sets - iSingingBowls
Singing Bowl Sets Legendary-quality® Singing Bowl Sets-- relaxing tones... energizing harmonics! Personally hand-selected and matched by Tibetan musicologist Rain Gray. Each singing bowl in these sets...
One Hand Clapping CD
The soothing, subtle yet dynamic sounds create an unmatched meditative ambiance. This all-digital recording fully captures the amazingly rich harmonic overtones of 108 Master-quality Tibetan singing b...
Antique Tibetan Singing Bowls - Page 1 - iSingingBowls
Antique Tibetan Singing Bowls The world's finest, Legendary-quality® authentic Antique Singing Bowls-- personally hand-selected in the Himalayas by Tibetan musicologist Rain Gray. The finest calibe...
Tingsha - iSingingBowls
Tingsha Tingsha iSingingBowls' Tingsha are made by the living master-makers of Tibetan bells according to an ancient formula that has been passed down for generations. Hand-cast of mixed alloy bronze ...
NEW Tibetan Singing Bowls - NEW Tibetan Singing Bowl: JHUMKA (Full Moon Bowl) - iSingingBowls
NEW Tibetan Singing Bowl: JHUMKA (Full Moon Bowl) The world's finest, Legendary-quality® "Jhumka" (Full Moon) NEW Singing Bowls-- extra-thick for extra-long sustain (personally hand-selected in the Hi...
How To Play Singing Bowls
How To Play Singing Bowls How To Play Singing Bowls This will produce deeper bass male tones, together with low and mid-tone harmonics/partials. Hold the singing bowl on the palm of the left hand. F...