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Isiopolis | A votive Work in honor of the Goddess Isis
A votive Work in honor of the Goddess Isis
Opening of the Ways to the Goddess Isis – Isiopolis
There will be another post in the current series tomorrow...I'm publishing this ritual from Isis Magic so it's easy to access for some of us who will be Offering to Isis for the local Fall EQ Festival...
The Wisdom of Isis – Isiopolis
Sacred image of Isis in Her temple at the rising of Her star I got up at four this morning to go to the high place where I watch Her star in its heliacal rising. Alas, Portland did its mostly cloudy t...
Books – Isiopolis
I've had two books on Isis published: Isis Magic, Cultivating a Relationship with the Goddess of 10,000 Names and Offering to Isis, Knowing the Goddess through Her Sacred Symbols.The newly revised and...
Isis & the Magic of Myrrh – Isiopolis
Myrrh is sacred to Isis in Her role as Goddess of Death and Mourning. Myrrh’s bitterness may easily be associated with Isis’ bitter task of searching for the scattered pieces of Her beloved husband’s ...
The Mysteries of Isis in Antioch – Isiopolis
The locations with the Isis mosaics have been dubbed "The House of the Mysteries of Isis" (in Antioch) and "The House of the Isiac Ceremony" (in Daphne, modern Defne-Yakto, a suburb of Antioch). Perha...