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0052441: install.source fails with "DROP DATABASE cannot be executed within a pipeline" with
Latest minor releases for PostgreSQL for major versions 11,12,13,14,15 include a change causing install.source to always fail.Specific PG versions including this change: 15.2, 14.7, 13.10, 12.14, ...
0045968: update to the latests 5.x Hibernate version - Openbravo Issue Tracking System
Currently Openbravo depends on Hibernate 5.4.2.This version was released in 2019. As of today the latest 5.x [1] version is 5.6.0 which includes several fixes and improvements.---[1] https:/...
0037238: OBMessageUtils class fails generating the vars when there is no Request - Openbravo Issue
When a java process is executed without any request. For example a background process that implements the Process interface. The OBMessageUtils fails to generate the exeception message if it needs to ...
0049155: Openbravo API to support Physical Inventories - Openbravo Issue Tracking System
Create API to:1. Import Physical inventories into Openbravo2. Export Physical inventories from Openbravo...
0049329: Openbravo API to support Goods Movement - Openbravo Issue Tracking System
Create API to:1. Import Goods Movement into Openbravo2. Export Goods Movement from Openbravo...
0047617: Some language filters do not work properly - Openbravo Issue Tracking System
Some language filters do not work properly. It is possible to use those filters by entering data in the filter input, but selecting an option from the filter dropdown does not work. A language sel...