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I Suppose It Is True: Day 72: Complete
Complete: 1. Having all necessary parts, components, or steps; entire; 2 . Having come to an end; concluded. 3. Absolute; total ; 4. ...
I Suppose It Is True: Day 37: Freedom
Freedom : 1. The condition of being free of restraints; 2. Liberty of the person from oppression; 3. Independence. 4. Exemption from an...
I Suppose It Is True: Day 26: Perspective
Perspective : 1. a way of regarding situations, facts& judging their relative importance 2. the proper or accurate point of view or the...
I Suppose It Is True: A Mandala A Day Project
While on my spring break/vacation, I had an idea. I bought some colored pencils and the textured water color paper I that like, and began...
I Suppose It Is True: Day 58: Healing
Healing: 1. the natural process by which the body repairs itself 2 . curative: tending to cure or restore to health. Usually, I f...
I Suppose It Is True: Day 11: Uncertain
Uncertain : 1 . lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance; "uncertain of her convictions"; "unsure of herself and her future...