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About us - iWin
We are a motivated multi-disciplinary team with experience in photovoltaic, buildings, shading devices. Our CEO Ruben Roldan has more that 15years experience in thin film photovoltaic, Francesco Front...
Mass Customization 2.0: a new era for Integrated Photovoltaic IPV products started - iWin
Horizon-Eu MC2.0: Demonstrate cost breakthrough for integrated photovoltaic products (IPV) by means of an advanced manufacturing approach, referred to as “mass customizationIn the past 25 years, many ...
Product - iWin
Product iWin solution The kit iWin is a photovoltaic venetian-blind shading device that is integrated inside an insulating window (double glazing unit). iWin functions iWin allows to combine in one ...
iWin has been selected for the grandest European showcase of unconventional solutions for the most
More than 380 applications this year, and we have been selected among 55 innovative startups.All startups want to bring positive impact in society, but only iWin is able to convert existing and new bu...
News - iWin
iWin has emerged from the firm conviction that the building skin is at the forefront of the fight against climate change, global warming...
16 November 2020, another important recognition for iWin: the Swiss Climate Foundation will support
Three projects in the construction sectors have been selected by the Swiss Climate foundation this year: iWin - Solar power from blinds, Oxara - concrete from clay and FenX - insulating foam from ash...