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jackie gordon art » Blog Archive » My latest completed painting!
« Getting closer…! Progress! My latest completed painting! Here is a first look at my newest painting, also one of the “Stephanie Series.” Thank you Steph for your patience, your good looks, and ideas...
Contact — Jackie Gordon Art
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jackie gordon art » Artist Statement
Artist Statement My paintings are realistic in style, mimicking the world through a familiar photographic lens. Yet, I work to capture scenes, moments and feelings often overlooked through our daily e...
jackie gordon art » Blog Archive
« My latest completed painting! Ep 4: All Hell Breaks Loose at Summer Camp Um, who knew Salt Lake City was so gorgeous? Maybe everyone but me? I have got to to pull a Fievel and Go West! Ok, geograp...
jackie gordon art » Jackie’s sketchbook (blog)
October 11 10 Ep 4: All Hell Breaks Loose at Summer Camp Um, who knew Salt Lake City was so gorgeous? Maybe everyone but me? I have got to to pull a Fievel and Go West! Ok, geographical expedition ...
jackie gordon art » Personalized Painting
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