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Prayer Times | Jamia Masjid Noor Huddersfield
Today's Prayer TimesSafar 10, 1445
About Us | Jamia Masjid Noor Huddersfield
About Us Jamia Masjid Noor is one of the largest mosques in Huddersfield, and has been running successfully for a number of decades. It was established in 1979 to provide a place of worship for the lo...
Madrassah | Jamia Masjid Noor Huddersfield
Madrassah Jamia Masjid Noor runs a well-established Madrasah, (Madrasah Anwarul Quran), providing a vital community education programme for children in the local and surrounding areas. At Madrassah An...
Contact | Jamia Masjid Noor Huddersfield
Contact us Please contact us using the details below for the relevant masjid department. You can either use the email address provided below, or click the ‘Contact’ button to be directed to an online ...
Events & Courses | Jamia Masjid Noor Huddersfield
Upcoming Events & Courses
New Building Project | Jamia Masjid Noor Huddersfield
Help us now! Our target is £300,000 We urgently require donations to fund and renovate the building we have purchased in order to provide these services. This is an excellent opportunity to invest in ...