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Junior Achievement of Northwest Florida
To inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy.
JA NW Florida - About
About JA Core Purpose: To inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy. Junior Achievement of Northwest Florida partners with business people who volunteer their time in our local s...
JA NW Florida - Programs
Programs Elementary School Programs Junior Achievement’s Elementary School Programs are a series of six themes that help kindergarten through fifth-grade students learn about the United States economi...
JA NW Florida - Schools
Schools Junior Achievement of Northwest Florida serves Escambia, Santa Rosa, and Okaloosa Counties. JA programming is available to any school in our area that requests a program. The following schools...
News from Junior Achievement of Northwest Florida
JA News Cast from Dancing with the Stars Shimmies into town for Life’s A Dance to benefit Junior Achievement Cast from Dancing with the Stars Shimmies into town for Life’s A Dance to benefit Junior Ac...
JA NW Florida - Board of Directors
Board of Directors Jodi Bell Dean Attorney at Law Mort O'Sullivan Retired Steve Clark Jerry Maygarden Consultant 6677 North Davis Highway | Pensacola, Florida 32504 | 850-477-1420