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Popular pages
Japan Center for Michigan Universities :: Passports and Visas
Passports and Visas Passport All students must have a valid, signed passport. If you do not have a passport, or your passport is set to expire in the year that you intend to travel to Japan, p...
Japan Center for Michigan Universities :: How to Apply
How to Apply Students interested in participating in a JCMU program can start an application by visiting the JCMU Application Portal site. The JCMU East Lansing office is happy to assist if yo...
Japan Center for Michigan Universities :: Getting Started
Getting Started Regardless of where you are in the process, there are a number of resources on this site to help you determine which JCMU program is right for you and what steps are necessary ...
Japan Center for Michigan Universities :: Programs Overview
Program Costs | Apply 6 credits | ~4 weeks | Summer 2024 (May - early June) Program Costs | Apply Past Programs (not currently running) The following programs are not currently scheduled to run du...
Japan Center for Michigan Universities :: Admitted Students
Admitted Students Now that you're admitted, you are likely wondering what needs to done next to prepare for your time abroad. Review the outlined steps below and contact our office if you have...
Japan Center for Michigan Universities :: Advising
Current Advising Schedule (as of 6/2/2023) Monday: 9:30am - 11:30am; 1:00pm - 4:00pm (remote only) Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 9:30am - 11:30am; 1:00pm - 4:00pm (remote or in-person) Friday: 9:3...