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Solidity Tutorial: all about Functions | by Jean Cvllr | Medium
Solidity is a high level language for the EVM. The EVM under the hood does what we call EVM calls, known as “message calls”. From a higher perspective, Solidity knows two kind of function calls:
List: Learning Solidity | Curated by Jean Cvllr | Medium
45 stories
Solidity Tutorial: all about Enums | by Jean Cvllr | Medium
The word Enum in Solidity stands for Enumerable. They are user defined type that contain human readable names for a set of constants, called member. The data representation for an enum is the same as…
Solidity — All About Errors Handling | by Jean Cvllr | Medium
After looking at the different type of errors (Compile vs Runtime Errors), the different type of Solidity errors and the distinctions between them, we will now look at the different ways to handle…
Solidity Tutorial : all about Bytes | by Jean Cvllr | Medium
Bytes are a large aspect of Solidity, whether when using fixed size bytesN or dynamic size bytes array. We will see in this article their difference, bitwise operations related to fixed-sized array…